Selecteer een land om een adres toe te voegen.
Hier kunt u extra informatie over uzelf opgeven met een link naar uw online-profiel (bijv. LinkedIn).
Vul hier uw huidige of laatste betrekking in.
Voeg bestanden toe aan de sollicitatie.
Ondersteunde bestandsformaten: Word, PDF, PPT, jpg, gif, png.
Maximum 10 MB per bestand en 20 MB in totaal.
The following formats are possible: png, gif, jpeg, tiff, bmp.
Max. file size: 10 MB.

Data Privacy Statement


Any personal data including all data in attachments you enter is stored and used for the purpose of your application. Your data will be used to fill open positions within the Südzucker Group worldwide.

You must not communicate information related to your ethnic group, trade union, political, philosophical or religious opinion, nor information related to your health or sexual orientation.

Data storage

The data will be stored in encrypted form in a data center and hosted by d.vinci (owner).

Data access

For the purpose of the recruiting process, your data may be accessed by the responsible recruiter, the line manager and optionally by its partner recruiting agencies, according to the choices expressed above by the user. These employees are not permitted to use the data for their own purposes and are under an obligation to maintain secrecy. Your data is protected against unauthorized access through encrypted transmission and storage, a role and authorization concept, a data backup concept and physical security measures for the servers.

You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data you provide is truthful, correct, non-ambiguous and up-to-date. You can maintain your own account, free of charge, to secure accuracy of all your data.

Data deletion

If you do not have your data deleted it will remain stored for 6 months.

Data administration

Due to the nature of the internet and of computer systems, Südzucker and its subsidiaries do not accept any liability for the availability of the website or e-Recruiting application, the correctness and accuracy of the information contained therein, or for any third-party intellectual property rights or copyrights.

Exclusion of liability

Liability on the part of Südzucker shall be excluded except where mandatory liability applies, such as in cases of intent, gross negligence, loss of life, bodily harm or injury to health.


The application places cookies on your PC. These are session-related, do not contain any personal data and will be deleted at the end of the session.

Data Privacy Consent Statement

By clicking the “Yes” button, you agree to the above terms. Your consent will be saved. If you do not agree to the above terms, your application will not be saved.
